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Meet Daniel Schley

Daniel Schley

Consulting Actuary

About Me

Daniel joined Sentinel April 22, 2013, previously working as a Consulting Actuary with over 40 years of experience handling Defined Benefit (including Cash Balance), profit sharing (including 401(k)) and non-qualified plans. He most enjoys consulting with clients concerning the results of annual valuations and handling questions and issues that arise.

Daniel's main job responsibilities include: communicating with clients throughout each day; the review and preparation of ERISA and financial valuations and discrimination testing; and the presentation of valuation and testing results and consultation. Professionally, Daniel has accomplished attainment of Enrolled Actuary Certification in the early 1990s.

Educational Background & Experience

  • BA Mathematics — Colgate University
  • Enrolled Actuary  — certified in 1994

Out of the Office 

Daniel is involved in Your Yoga Place. He enjoys yoga, live music and outdoor activities (swimming, paddleboarding and hiking).

His favorite quote is, "Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow." The most important thing is not to stop questioning."

Contact Information
