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Meet Joe Phaneuf

Joe Phaneuf

Director, Plan Consulting

About Me

Joe joined Sentinel in January 2010 as part of the purchase of retirement plan clients/plans, previously working multiple management positions both at and outside of Sentinel. 

Joe's main job responsibilities include: ensuring that our clients receive the highest quality of service; building strong relationships with clients so they can share any feedback (positive or negative); and coaching his teammates to provide a consistent level of Service Excellence. He most enjoys the wide variety of ways to create solutions both internally (process/procedure) and externally (client satisfaction). Joe explains he is "continuously listening for ways to make everyone's experiences better".

Professionally, Joe is most proud of participating and completing his local Leadership program; participating and completing in the inaugural Leadership Development Program at Sentinel; and achieving both a Sentinel Way and Impact Player Award.

Educational Background & Experience

  • Associates Degree – Business Management and Criminal Justice

Out of the Office

Joe loves to travel, play localized sports, spend time with family and be outside during the summer. His favorite quote is, "There's something to be said for saying what needs saying".

Contact Information


Meet with Joe